MSW takes pride in its flexibility to customize our services to meet the needs of our clients. Here are some of the types of services we have provided to our clients.

Field Strength Measurements
Making measurements of Analog and Digital signals is one of our specialties. Radio and Television measurements, as well as other signal measurements, can be performed.
Field Testing Services
MS&W are specialists in providing real coverage measurements for Broadcasters. Our extensive experience in providing real world measurement of analog and digital signals provides broadcasters with solutions to problems. We have conducted both analog and digital television field measurements, as well as digital and analog radio measurements. MS&W is the only firm with a field test vehicle equipped for the testing of both digital and analog signals. Whether it’s a coverage survey or an interference analysis, MS&W has the expertise, equipment, and experience to provide all your field testing needs.
· DTV Coverage
· Analog TV Coverage
· DTV/NTSC Interference Assessment
· Proto-type DTV Receiver Testing
· RF Captures for Laboratory Analysis
· MPEG Stream Captures for Testing Receivers
· Digital & Analog Radio Coverage
· RF Measurements
· Cable Must-Carry

Laboratory Measurements
Utilizing our background in receiver testing, we perform laboratory measurements on both analog and digital television and radio receivers.
Receiver Testing
Meintel, Sgrignoli, & Wallace can provide lab testing of receivers and other devices. In 2003, we purchased the assets of the Advanced Television Technology Center (ATTC) lab and can now provide our clients with lab testing services tailored to meet their needs. Some of our services are listed below. Contact us for a free proposal and descriptions of our facilities and capabilities.
· Performance Measurements of DTV Receivers
· Interference Testing of Radio and Television Receivers.
· Equalizer and Tuner Testing of DTV Receivers.
· NTIA Set Top Box Compliance Testing
· MPEG Stream Analysis
· RF Captures and Analysis (ATSC RF Captures)
· Compliance Testing for ATSC A-74 Standard
· Enhanced Modulation Testing
· Applications and Systems Testing

Transmitter Service & Installation
Transmitter site services include design, installation, service, repair, and retrofits. We can provide service on any transmitter for both digital and analog.
Transmission Systems Services
Meintel, Sgrignoli, & Wallace can provide a great range of services at the transmission site. We have extensive experience in transmitter system design, installation, proof of performance, maintenance, and emergency restorations. Mr. Wallace spent several years in the transmitter business before joining MS&W. As a result, you benefit from real expertise in transmitter systems, antennas, and tower systems. Whether you need an expert to install a new transmitter, expertise for designing a new transmitter site, a proof of performance, transmitter modification and repair, or simply a transmitter tube changed, MS&W can provide you with solutions to fit your needs. We are also equipped with the latest test equipment to provide our clients with the best services available. International projects are also welcomed. We specialize in those difficult and unique projects, so give us a call today!
· Design of Transmitter sites and systems.
· Installation of Transmitters, RF Systems, and Transmission Line
· Repair & Service all makes & models
· Retrofits and Upgrades
· Tuning and RF Sweeps
· Tune-Ups and Exciter Setups
· Proof of Performance Measurements
· Remote Controls
· Antenna Systems & Sweeps
· Towers
· Removal of old transmitters
· Translators, LPTV, and Boosters
· On-Channel Repeaters
· RFR Compliance
· Maintenance Contracts & Contract Engineers

RF Radiation Compliance
RF Radiation compliance surveys can be provided including RFR Measurements, RF Safety Programs, and RFR Compliance checks can be performed.
Receiver Testing
Measurements of RF Radiation and compliance with appropriate FCC, OSHA, ANSI, and other standards. Multi-user sites are also welcome. The firm is equipped with Narda Radiation meters and appropriate probes to makes measurements in both E-Fields and H-Fields. Written reports of the measurements as well as a comprehensive RF Safety program and procedures are available.
· RF Radiation Measurements with modern measurement equipment and techniques.
· Compliance with FCC, OSHA, ANSI, and other Standards.
· RF Safety Programs and Procedures.
· Multi-User Sites
· Frequent Measurements available.
· Site Monitoring and quarterly compliance checks available.
· Antenna “Hot-Zone” Surveys and site mapping.
· AM—FM—TV and other services too.

FCC Filings and Interference Studies
Studies of interference and channel changes of frequency searches are available. FCC filings can be prepared and engineering exhibits and statements for filings are available.
MSW can prepare Channel Searches, Interference Studies, Coverage Maps, and Engineering Exhibits for FCC Applications and other uses. Application of the OET-69 Methodology and Longley-Rice Propagation model as well as other studies can be accommodated.
MSW can provide interference studies and analysis in support of FCC filings, standards committee work, market analysis, and other uses. Coverage maps, interference maps, and other studies can be provided to meet your needs. A sample DTV coverage map is shown. Maps for digital and analog television, as well as digital and analog radio, can be developed to meet your specifications. We also do channel change and allocation studies. Mr. Bill Meintel developed the software utilized by the FCC to perform interference analysis and this expertise is available to our clients.
DTV Medical Notification Service
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